UWS launches new psychology MSc conversion course

This September sees University of the West of Scotland (UWS) launching its new MSc in Psychology.

This postgraduate conversion course, which is being delivered at the University’s Paisley Campus, is aimed at graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of psychology.

The MSc will develop students’ understanding of how and why people act in the way that they do. They will gain a scientific understanding of the mind, brain and behaviour by focusing on the key areas of psychology. The course will place a strong emphasis on developing students’ awareness of research methods and data analysis, which is facilitated by the University’s new custom-built lab facilities.

The MSc builds on the wealth of research expertise of psychology staff at UWS and focuses on the practical applications of the subject area. This means students will gain an understanding of how psychology relates to real-world issues, for example, to the areas of health, education, and the workplace.

On this course considerable attention will be given to developing students’ awareness of the links between psychology and employment. This is reflected in the approach to teaching and learning on the course which will ensure that students will have the opportunity to gain subject specific skills as well as supporting the development and awareness of their own employability skills.  

Students will be engaged in learning and teaching through various face-to-face events including lectures, seminars, workshops and group work, and the University’s virtual learning environment will be used on all modules to provide a platform for communication and to support the learning process.

MSc Psychology Programme leader, Dr Eddie Edgerton said: “Many students develop an interest in psychology later in their academic careers and this conversion degree, while acknowledging their existing graduate skills, allows them to pursue that interest.

“This new postgraduate programme will equip students with the skills required to pursue a career in the professional areas of psychology such as educational or clinical psychology.”

Anyone wishing further information regarding MSc Psychology should click here.