Webwatch: LGBT People and Public Services – A good practice guide from Stonewall Scotland

Back in 2009, Iriss worked with Stonewall Scotland to develop an online good practice guide – LGBT people and public services – which gives an introduction to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality issues.

In March 2016, Stonewall got in touch to ask if we would update and refresh the content on the learning resource, which involved some general amendments, adding a new module and rebranding it to reflect Stonewall’s new colours and logo. We completed this work in April 2016.

The LGBT people and public services guide is aimed at frontline staff to help them understand the barriers and specific concerns which may be experienced by their LGBT service users.

It includes introductory training on issues such as the problem with making assumptions, the importance of clear policies which are well publicised, the barriers associated with ‘coming out’ to staff, and the specific issues which many trans service users experience. Developed and designed as an online learning resource, it features a series of video case study examples which are dramatisations of real-life scenarios that LGBT people in Scotland have experienced.

There is also a quiz and a new end of module test. The resources and downloads page contains download links for the various documents and videos referenced throughout this resource, as well as some additional materials for further reading.

Visit LGBT people and public services: http://www.lgbtgoodpractice.org.uk/