Webwatch – My NHS | Open data for better services

The government has recently launched the MyNHS website, which brings together a variety of important health and care system transparency data.

Visitors to the site will be able to find links to existing data on patient safety, efficiency, service quality, public health, social care commissioning and hospital food standards, all via a single web portal.

Meanwhile, clinicians, managers, patient groups and campaigners will be able to use the data to highlight the best performing areas and improve standards through competition and transparency.

A joint project between the Department of Health, NHS England, Public Health England, the Care Quality Commission and the Health and Social Care Information Centre, MyNHS will be gradually enhanced over time via user feedback.

Secretary of state for health Jeremy Hunt said: “MyNHS is a powerful new tool that will give professionals across the healthcare system the opportunity to learn from each other and improve their services.”

National Director for Patients and Information at NHS England Tim Kelsey said:“MyNHS is a big step forward towards our transparency vision, bringing together data from across the health and care system for the first time and presenting it in an accessible, understandable and meaningful way,”

To view the site, visit: http://www.nhs.uk/Service-Search/performance/search