Webwatch: National Social Services Search – Sector information quickly and easily

Want to find sector information information quickly and easily? It can be cumbersome having to visit numerous websites to find the information that you need. The National Social Services Search attempts to make searching life easy for people and make the information landscape a little easier to navigate.

Iriss, in partnership with Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and Care Inspectorate, has launched a trial search facility to support social services staff access information and knowledge quickly and easily. It searches across Iriss, SSSC and Care Inspectorate resources and activities, so you don’t need to visit each site in turn to find what you need.

This test facility supports the implementation of the Transformation of Digital Knowledge for Social Services, which is being led by Scottish Government. Potentially, this search facility will develop and improve based on feedback from users.

The partnership would like to know what people think and are encouraging people to try out it out and provide some feedback. There’s a ‘Let us know what you think’ button on the web page.

Visit: National Social Services Search