Survey: Making it easy for care workers to access digital knowledge – Scotland

The Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser in Scottish Government has issued a call to all social service workers to participate in their digital knowledge survey.

To make it easier for you to access digital knowledge, the survey aims to help understand:

  • which national websites you currently use to access knowledge
  • what you like about the websites you use
  • barriers and enablers you experience in using digital knowledge
  • what content and features you would like to see in future developments, to make it as easy as possible for you to access relevant knowledge for your work.

The term ‘digital knowledge’ in this survey means access through online and mobile devices to all types of information and evidence, research, learning resources and learning from practice and experience.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Your input will make it easier for you and your colleagues to access digital knowledge to support your work. The survey report will be completely anonymous and will be published on the Scottish Government website.

The closing date for completing this survey is 2 December 2016.