Resource: Adolescent mental health – Frontline Tool (2015)

There is strong evidence to suggest that working without a plan is less effective than working with one and that, where plans are formed in collaboration with the young person, they are more likely to be followed.

This resource contains a ‘Collaborative Care Planning Tool’, a ‘Dis-integration Grid Tool’ that can be used to help identify the most unhelpful ‘dis-integrations’ in a network and also lists some of the most commonly used screening and outcomes measures. The accompanying Research in Practice Frontline Briefing Adolescent mental health provides further information about the research that underpins these tools.

Frontline resources Published: Dec 2015 Author: Dr Dickon Bevington.
Aimed at: Frontline practitioners and first-line team managers in children’s social care, family support and wider children’s services (including early help, education, health and public health).