Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 4

* Social anxiety and the interpretation of positive social events * Exposure to heights in a theme park: Fear, dizziness, and body sway * Separation anxiety and panic disorder in clinically referred youth * Reliability and validity of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) in Chinese children * Physiological correlates of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing * The relationship between separation anxiety and impairment * Sub-clinical checking compulsions are related to impaired prospective memory independently of depression, anxiety and distractibility * How preferential is the preferential encoding of threatening stimuli?: Working memory biases in specific anxiety and the Attentional Blink * Psychological treatment of comorbid asthma and panic disorder: A pilot study * Social phobia with sudden onset—Post-panic social phobia? * Measurement of ambivalent and purposeful engagement after aversive social experiences * Disgust sensitivity as a predictor of obsessive-compulsive contamination symptoms and associated cognitions * Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for generalized anxiety disorder * The relationship between parenting factors and trait anxiety: Mediating role of cognitive errors and metacognition * The Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R): Validation of the German version in a sample of patients with OCD, anxiety disorders, and depressive disorders * An examination of the fear of bodily sensations and body hypervigilance as predictors of emotion regulation difficulties among individuals with a recent history of uncued panic attacks