Woman claims music therapy has cured her arthritis and ‘reversed’ cancer

A woman claims her arthritis and skin condition have been cured and her cancer reversed after she listened to “musical medicine”.

Katy Meiklem, from Fife, suffered progressive ill health for seven years, with constant severe pain, restricted mobility and psoriasis which caused rashes all over her body.

Her doctor was also considering surgery to support her crumbling spine.

In July 2012, a biopsy revealed she had Myeloma, or bone marrow cancer, and was likely to develop kidney failure within a year to 18 months.

She said: “I remember my husband saying to the consultant ‘what can we do to stop or halt this disease?’ and he said, quite clearly, ‘there is nothing you can do’. For the first time I felt there was no hope for my life.”

But her sister Pauline suggested she attended an Edinburgh Festival event by composer Punit Yaatri who has pioneered a unique type of “musical medicine” that he calls BrainHeart Music.

Mrs Meiklem said the music gave her hope and she credits it with giving her her life back.

She said: “Within 24 hours of that first session, I had my first full night’s sleep in seven years and it felt wonderful. For the first time in a long, long time I felt hopeful. I felt the music was absolutely something that was going to change my life.”

She said that within eight weeks, she had a consultation with her rheumatologist who noted that her joints were in better condition while the symptoms of arthritis had vanished.

Within 12 weeks, she said the psoriasis was gone and she was able to walk up hills, cycle and do a number of other activities she had not be able to do for seven years.

Now three years later, she claims her symptoms have completely disappeared and the progress of the cancer has been reversed.

She said: “Throughout this time I have not been on any medication or treatment at all – no supplements, no dietary changes, no lifestyle changes, all I have done is listen to BrainHeart Music.

“The regular blood tests that I have demonstrate that the very indicators of cancer in my body have not increased but they have gone down.

“That was the one thing my husband asked the consultant, ‘could that happen?’ and he was told ‘no’. I am sitting here as a very well person, healthy, happy, vibrant, I have my life back.”

Mr Yaatri is presenting a seminar entitled “2020 Vision” this weekend at Ardoch, Gartocharn, Loch Lomond, where he will be demonstrating how his music works to an audience of healthcare and public policy professionals.

He said BrainHeart Music works by re-harmonising an individual’s energy field.

Mr Yaatri said: “I believe the physical symptoms of the body exhibit themselves primarily from a disharmony within our emotional states.

“To use music as a medicine it’s essential to understand an individual’s emotional energy and prescribe music to harmonise it.”

Dr David Mason Brown, a retired GP who will also be presenting at the 2020 Vision event, said: “Music therapy is nothing new but what Punit is doing is taking music therapy to a whole new level.”

Mrs Meiklem is 54 and from Cupar in Fife.

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