Court Cells Used To Bail Out Our Packed Prisons
Court cells will be used to house significant numbers of convicts for the first time in a desperate bid to save John Reid from overseeing the early release of prisoners.
Read MoreCourt cells will be used to house significant numbers of convicts for the first time in a desperate bid to save John Reid from overseeing the early release of prisoners.
Read MoreSt Helens Council has been highlighted by Ofsted for one of the services it provides for children and young people in the area. Ofsted has highlighted as effective practice, the work the local authority’s elected members do with young people in the area.
Read MoreOne in three teachers is turning to drink, drugs, smoking and binge-eating to escape the pressures of their jobs, a survey has revealed. Some are even being driven to suicide, the National Union of Teachers was told.
Read MoreMore than 80% of people in Scotland know at least two friends who have experienced mental distress, research suggests. The Mental Health Foundation research also revealed many people did not want to admit their problems to friends for fear of what they would think.
Read MoreCare services for almost 15,000 vulnerable people across Scotland are in doubt because of cash problems facing voluntary organisations. A report on charities providing care for 60,000 citizens, including the elderly and those with learning disabilities, has found that almost all of them have services which are underfunded.
Read MoreSocial workers allowed a sex offender to live with his alleged victim’s family while on bail, according to a secret report produced months after the same department failed to act on warnings that could have prevented the murder of a young woman.
Read MoreThe centuries-old legal taboo protecting the secrecy of the jury room should be broken to find out why jurors are so reluctant to convict men of rape, one of Scotland’s most senior lawyers said last night.
Read MoreAn investigation has been launched after surgical equipment was accidentally re-used at a hospital. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is conducting the investigation after equipment used in the mouth of one patient was kept and used to treat an infected wound in the mouth of another.
Read MoreScotland’s lost generation of young jobless people is costing the country £1.7bn every year as a result of crime, lost productivity and educational under-achievement, a report published yesterday claims.
Read MoreNurses will begin work stoppages in three hospitals in Dublin and Tipperary this Wednesday in their bid to get better pay and working conditions.
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