Mental health services in Cumbria set for improvement
Following a scathing a report into mental health care in Cumbria, experts have said that steps are being taken to improve its services.
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Following a scathing a report into mental health care in Cumbria, experts have said that steps are being taken to improve its services.
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It’s not always easy to explain what social care is, and a new online TV service, launched today, aims to stimulate debate about the big issues in the sector.
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LEGENDARY Scots crime writer Reg McKay has died after a battle with cancer. The best-selling author and former social worker passed away yesterday with wife Gerry at his side. He was 56.
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THE head of education at Glasgow City Council, who stepped down unexpectedly from her post, has walked away with a pay off of over a quarter of a million pounds.
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TWO WIGTOWNSHIRE care centres for adults with learning difficulties could face closure. A proposal to shut four of the six Activity and Resource Centres (ARCs) in Dumfries and Galloway was made at a Council Social Services committee meeting on Tuesday.
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Social workers have moved to take into care a baby born to an obese mother. The mother — who cannot be named in order to protect the identity of the children — gave birth by Caesarean section last week in a Dundee hospital but was told within 24 hours that she would not be allowed to keep the baby.
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A new specialist Rehabilitation Consultant has been appointed to act as a Scotland-wide champion to help older people live better quality lives.
Cuts in day care services for adults with learning difficulties are being considered by Dumfries and Galloway Council. The social services committee is to be told closing four of the region’s six Adult Resource Centres, cutting 30 jobs, could save £660,000.
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Talking walking frames, robopets and interactive coffee tables could help cut down on care home bills and keep older people living at home for longer, researchers claim.
Social services departments have seen a rise in the numbers of vulnerable adults referred to them because they are at risk of physical and sexual abuse, as well as financial fraud, a study has found.
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