Care Council consult on registration and fitness to practise rules in Wales

In a matter of months the Care Council for Wales (CCW) will become Social Care Wales, a new organisation with wider responsibilities.

But before that change occurs in April 2017, CCW are looking for ideas and opinions of members of the social care workforce, individuals who use services, partners and the general public on the registration and fitness to practise rules for social care workers who will be registered with Social Care Wales.

A significant proportion of the new organisation’s procedures for registration and fitness to practise have already been set out in the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 and National Assembly Regulations. The rules further expand on these procedures.  

The consultation will therefore look specifically at the content and context of the suite of three registration rules and four fitness to practise rules; asking respondents whether they agree with them and to provide any comments about them.

For ease of reference and to obtain an overall picture of the registration and fitness to practise procedures, links are provided to the relevant sections of the Act and Regulations within each question, as it is not expected that respondents have an existing expert knowledge of the legislation.

CCW are therefore encouraging as many interested parties as possible to respond – and to circulate the consultation to others – to ensure their views can help shape and influence the rules for Social Care Wales.

View / complete the consultation which closes on Monday, 24 October.