Care system ‘fails Parkinson’s sufferers’ – report

PEOPLE with Parkinson’s Disease in Wales are falling through gaps in the health and social care system, and such problems exist across the UK, according to a new report.

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Parkinson’s Disease revealed what it calls severe inequalities in access to services for sufferers, following an inquiry.

Limited information for patients, lack of respite for carers, and poor access to expert nursing and therapy, are underpinned by failure to deliver co-ordinated care, concludes the report, called Please Mind the Gap: Parkinson’s Disease Services Today.

It also concludes that guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease are not being followed, despite potential savings of nearly £3million for the NHS from reductions in avoidable NHS treatment for patients.

People with the disease in Gwent, and their carers, are being asked to support the Parkinson’s Disease Society’s Fair Care for Parkinson’s campaign, a UK-wide push to pressurise health policymakers into action.

The APPG report urges the Assembly to: Introduce effective local monitoring of Parkinson’s services to ensure services meet good practice guidelines and standards; employ more Parkinson’s Disease nurse specialists to ensure full coverage across Wales; stabilise future funding for the treatment Deep Brain Stimulation.

To support the campaign, and for more information, visit