Plans To Expand Male Abuse Refuge
A charity helping male victims of domestic abuse says it needs to move to a bigger “safe house” after being inundated with appeals for help. Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre (MFCC) has received more than 100 inquiries from across the UK since opening the Powys refuge last year.
MFCC said it now needed at least a five-bedroom house, nearly double the size of its current property. The group also runs a safe house for female victims of abuse.
According to Home Office figures, domestic abuse will affect one in four women and one in six men in their lifetime. It also claims the lives of two women each week and 30 men per year in the UK.
Since opening the safe house in March 2006, MFCC has helped individuals, as well as men with children who have suffered at the hands of their partners. Steve (not his real name), 46, from London, said he was nearly killed by his former partner. An ex-pub landlord, he added:
“I had been seeing this woman for about five years and during the last few months of our relationship she moved in with me, but that’s when it started going pear-shaped. She started using knives, scissors and glass to attack me and eventually stabbed me in the back and pierced a lung, and I nearly died.”
While recovering in hospital, police advised Steve to leave the area and medical staff passed on details of MFCC’s safe house. “I was at the safe house for over four months and it gave me a chance to express my feelings in a safe environment,” he added. “MFCC has helped me re-build my life.”
Shirley Powell, of MFCC, said the exact location of the safe house was a secret. “A larger premises would assist in meeting the demand and needs of male domestic violence victims,” she added. “We have been busy this past year and have received constant requests for help, and we have a waiting list.
“Ideally, we would like a property capable of dealing with five people at one time, which would allow us to have other facilities such as a play room or play area and office space.”