Peter Scott to head up Independent Living Fund Scotland

The first Chief Executive of the new Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland) has been named as Peter Scott, currently Chief Executive of ENABLE Scotland, who will take up post in June.

ILF was first established on a UK basis to support disabled people to live independent lives, at home, at work and in the community. It provides discretionary cash payments to disabled people to enable them to purchase care or support from an agency or pay wages of a privately employed personal assistant.

Last year, the Scottish Government announced that it would safe-guard the rights of the country’s most severely disabled people to live independent lives, by establishing a new national Scottish ILF.

All existing Scottish users will transfer to ILF Scotland on 1 July 2015, as planned. The Scottish Government has also committed £5 million to open the scheme up to new users.

Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, Jamie Hepburn said: “I am delighted to announce that Peter Scott is to take up the role as the first Chief Executive of Scotland’s Independent Living Fund.

“Peter will be an asset to this organisation, which will continue to allow disabled people in Scotland to live independent, dignified and fulfilling lives. I wish him all the best in this role.”

Peter Scott said: “I feel very privileged to be appointed as the Chief Executive of ILF Scotland. I fully understand the importance of the Independent Living Fund to current recipients.

“I am looking forward to working with people who have disabilities, their representative organisations and other partners to establish ILF Scotland.

“Together we will agree the best way forward to protect support for existing ILF recipients, to re-open the fund to new applicants, and to maximise this opportunity to support independent living for people who have disabilities in Scotland.”

Chief Executive of Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living and Co- Chair of the ILF Scotland Project Board, Florence Garabedian said: “I am delighted that the organisation will soon have a CEO to lead on the tremendous work achieved so far. Peter Scott is bringing a lot of relevant experience and will play an important role in supporting the continuation of the current co-production process.”