2015 Conference : Integrated health & social care in Scotland

A new conference discussing health and social care integration has been scheduled for Thursday, 30th April 2015, in Edinburgh.

Delegates at ‘Priorities for integrated health and social care in Scotland’ will discuss what more needs to be done to meet the Scottish Government’s 2020 vision of integrated health and social care – and the progress of integrating care services, including the amalgamation of health and social care budgets.

The seminar will also provide a timely opportunity to assess the on-going implementation of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014 as integration goes live in local areas in April 2015.

Further sessions will consider the role of the third and independent sectors in the delivery of care, and the impact of the reforms on the health and care workforce.

The conference will bring together policymakers from the Scottish Government and Parliament with health professionals, representatives of health and social care organisations, trade unions, local government, representatives of healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, academia, interested and affected charities and user groups.

Alex Neil MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, The Scottish Government; Paul Edie, Chair, Care Inspectorate; Dr Anne Hendry, National Clinical Lead for Integrated Care, Joint Improvement Team and Ranald Mair, Chief Executive, Scottish Care have agreed to deliver keynote addresses at the seminar.

To book and for further information, visit: http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/forums/book_event.php?eid=917