School at centre of childcare investigation to close

An independent Aberdeen school which has been at the centre of an investigation is to close this summer.

Last month, the Care Inspectorate said it had received complaints about “staffing and the care of children” at the Waldorf School Kindergarten.

The school council said the “very difficult” closure decision came after reviewing the school’s financial position.

Donald Phillips, chairman of the school council, said: “It is with great regret that the school council of the Aberdeen Waldorf School has taken the decision to implement a planned closure of the school, between now and the end of the school year.

“The Aberdeen Waldorf School council took this very difficult decision after reviewing the school’s current financial situation.

“It is our legal duty to ensure that the school has enough funds to operate and we have sufficient reserves to continue to the end of the school year and to fulfil our legal obligations.”

He explained: “In recent years we have been successful in introducing new financial measures to reduce the school’s running costs.

“On that basis, we had planned to continue with our five-year plan to strengthen the financial status of the school.

“These plans depended on maintaining, or building, pupil numbers. However, events of recent weeks have forced the school council to re-evaluate them and we are aware that a number of pupils will be leaving the school at the end of this year.

“We had hoped to keep the school open longer, and the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland have been working with us to try and do so following their recent inspections, which will be published on 22 April.

“However, events over recent weeks have forced us to re-evaluate the financial situation.

“As a result, the school council has decided that, in these circumstances, a planned closure of Aberdeen Waldorf School is the only responsible option.”