Innovative learning opportunity for staff working with older people

Are you interested in an innovative and free learning opportunity for the health and social service workforce working with older people in your area?

The SSSC and NHS Education Scotland (NES) are offering learning opportunities to cross agency/cross sector partners in health and social services. We will train facilitators to support ‘Sliding Doors – Making it Local’ workshop sessions in your areas across Scotland. The workshops are interactive and use actors to present the real challenges facing older people at critical points in their lives. We will provide some funding to help you to employ actors and to maximise the impact of this approach.

Participation in these workshops to date has supported staff to understand a more personal, outcomes focused approach in practice and to identify their role in changing the way we work individually and collectively.
Find out more in icon Integration of H&SC – RCOP Sliding Doors (53.44 kB) and contact Laura Gillies, Senior Adviser, Workforce Development and Planning SSSC for more information.,com_docman/Itemid,486/gid,2410/task,doc_details/