Dundee summit held to tackle harm and neglect of elderly people

A summit was being held in Dundee to tackle the ill treatment of older people. The meeting is being chaired by the city council’s social work and health convener councillor Ken Lynn.

It brings together organisations representing older people to raise awareness of issues in communities and the city. Tayside Police and NHS Tayside are also taking part.

The summit is part of a series of measures being developed by the city’s adult support and protection committee to step up the campaign to tackle harm and neglect of adults in Dundee.

Councillor Lynn said: “The summit is an important event for organisations representing older people working together to protect older people from harm now and in the future.

“We are using our shared experience to plan for the future and to help ensure that risks are reduced for older people and vulnerable adults across Dundee.”

Professor James Hogg, independent convenor of the Dundee Adult Support and Protection Committee, said: “Let me make this abundantly clear, we will act robustly in response to cases involving deliberate or intentional harm and neglect against older people in Dundee.”

Members of the Dundee Adult Support and Protection Committee are expressing their concern over cases of violence against older people.

The Dundee Adult Support and Protection Committee is responsible for ensuring that Dundee City Council, the police, the NHS and other key agencies such as the Care Inspectorate, work together in an effective and co-ordinated manner to protect people at risk from harm.