£8.5m to support youth employment and young carers

Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance announced that £8.5 million will be invested in projects to support young people into work.

This includes:

    £6 million to create 1000 jobs for young people through a continuation of Community Jobs Scotland into 2012-13
    £2.5 million towards a challenge fund to support the third sector to work with employers, delivering 800 opportunities for young people.

This investment is the second tranche of funding from the additional £30 million announced in December to tackle youth unemployment throughout Scotland.

Minister for Youth Employment and Angela Constance also confirmed: “I am pleased to say, that having already provided £1.5 million to assist young carers and care leavers to find employment over the next three years, Community Jobs Scotland will continue into 2012/13 to create 1000 jobs for young people, supported by £6 million funding.”