Plean women in line for Scottish Care Award

A PLEAN carer is to be recognised as one of the top carers in Scotland at a prestigious awards ceremony celebrating the best the industry has to offer.

Isabel Law (79), who works at William Simpson’s Home in Plean, has been selected from more than 300 entries as a finalist for the training and staff development award at the Scottish Care Awards 2009.

She will find out her fate at the awards ceremony at the Glasgow Hilton Hotel on November 20.

The Scottish Care National Conference, which is now in its 10th year, has incorporated an awards ceremony for the last four years. The awards recognise individual and care team efforts, with nominations coming from service users, employers and employees.

This year the awards will follow a full day of conference for the care sector with keynote speakers including public health and sport minister Shona Robison MSP and Social Work Inspection Agency chief executive Alexis Jay.

The conference is designed for those providing care and support to adults in residential care across Scotland.

Among the judges of the awards will be Professor June Andrews of the Dementia Centre at Stirling University.

Isabel said she was stunned to have been recognised as a finalist for the awards, adding: “This is such a fantastic surprise to have made it to the finalist stage.

“I am really looking forward to the ceremony and even if I don’t win just being nominated has made me feel really special. It’s a wonderful feeling to have received so many nominations from people I work with.”

Jean Lyon, chief executive of William Simpson Home, who nominated Isabel, said: “Isabel has dedicated 38 years to William Simpson’s Home from starting as a part time care assistant to now working as a full time workplace assessor, she is an invaluable member of staff.

“At 79 years of age she has more patience and compassion than most employers will ever have the pleasure of seeing and truly is an integral part of the team here.

“Isabel takes time with each and every staff member that she trains and is always encouraging staff members. I have nothing but admiration and respect for Isabel and am delighted she has been selected as a finalist for such a fantastic award.”

Royal Bank of Scotland is the main sponsor for the event.