Views sought on adult safeguarding services in Northern Ireland

The Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) are urging people who have used an adult safeguarding service since January 2015 to share their experience through the 10,000 Voices programme and help shape how care is delivered in Northern Ireland.

10,000 Voices is a PHA initiative which gives people an opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences of accessing Health and Social Care services by asking them to ‘tell us their story’.

Mary Hinds (pictured), Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions at the PHA, said: “10,000 Voices aims to involve the public in shaping future healthcare services across Northern Ireland. The initiative acknowledges that patient and client contribution is fundamental to ensuring that services are commissioned to deliver better outcomes for patients, their families and carers.

“We want people to tell us about their experiences of health and social care and to highlight the things that were important to them. The information we receive will help us to direct how health and social care is shaped and delivered in Northern Ireland.”

If you would like to share your experience, you can:

  • complete the survey at
  • request a paper version of the survey by contacting Christine Armstrong or Deborah Hanlon on 028 9536 2810. This can then be returned free of charge in the envelope provided with the survey.

Joyce McKee, Regional Adult Safeguarding Officer at the HSCB said:  “We currently welcome feedback from anyone who has had contact with the Adult Safeguarding Service. This is a very sensitive area and is of interest to everyone in Northern Ireland.  I would urge as many people as possible to take a few minutes to complete this survey and help us improve our services.”