DHSSPS Publish Social Service Workforce Census
The DHSSPS has released details of the Northern Ireland Health and Personal Social Services (HPSS) Workforce at 31 March 2006.
The Statistical Bulletin presents an analysis of staff in post by Main Location, Terms and Conditions, Age, Gender, and Employment Status. It also gives details of staff that have moved within the HPSS, and those who left between April 2005 and March 2006, and information on vacancies.
In March 2006, the HPSS employed almost 75,000 people including bank and home help staff. The workforce accounted for just over 10% of all persons in employment in Northern Ireland and is the largest and most complex workforce in Northern Ireland.
The Statistical Bulletin covers the majority (58,661) of the Hospital, Community Health and Social Services workforce but excludes home-helps and bank staff, for which information is incomplete due to the variable nature of their employment.
The Bulletin is published on the Departmental website at www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/index/stats_research/stats-pubs/stats-workforce_2006.htm
Key Points – at March 2006
·The HPSS employed 58,661 people (excluding temporary bank staff and home helps). This equates to 50,419 whole-time equivalent (WTE) staff.
·Female staff made up 79% of this total and 39% of all staff worked part-time.
·46% of female staff worked part-time compared to 12% of male staff.
·The HPSS workforce in Northern Ireland has changed substantially between 1997 and 2006. Overall, the headcount figure has increased by 28%.
·Since 1997, the total Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) workforce (excluding bank nurses and home-helps) has increased from 39,440 to its current level of 50,419.
Medical and Dental
·There were 3,606 (3,321.1 WTE) Medical and Dental Staff working in hospital and community settings (excluding General Practitioners). A third (33%) of the Medical and Dental group were consultants.
·27% of Medical and Dental staff were female.
·72% of Medical and Dental staff were full-time.
·61% of all Medical and Dental Staff were under 40.
Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting
·There were 15,990 (13,667.5 WTE) Qualified Nurses working in the health service representing a 19% increase in headcount since 1997.
·There were 4,631 Unqualified Nurses working in the health service, 22% more than in 1997.
·The Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting group represented the largest proportion of the HPSS workforce at 27%
Social Services
·There were 5,145 (4,696.4 WTE) Social Services staff (excluding home help staff), 41% more than in 1997.
·82% of Social Service staff were female.
·The Social Service group represented 9% of the total HPSS workforce.
Administration and Clerical
·There were 13,234 (11,562.1 WTE) Administration and Clerical staff, 39% more than in 1997.
·The Administration and Clerical group was the second largest group representing over a fifth (23%) of the workforce.
·83% of Administration and Clerical staff were female, of which 38% worked part-time.
Professional and Technical
·There were 6,664 (5,918.8 WTE) Professional and Technical staff, 51% more than in 1997. This group includes Therapists, Laboratory Staff, Clinical Scientists, Radiographers, etc.
·The Professional and Technical group represented 11% of the total HPSS workforce.
·Over three quarters (78%) of the group was female.
·There were 934 (927.3 WTE) Ambulance personnel, 42% more than in 1997.
·Almost all (97%) Ambulance staff were full-time.
Ancillary and General
·There were 7,948 (5,861.6 WTE) Ancillary and General staff, 9% more than in 1997. This group includes Porters, Orderlies, Catering Staff, Cleaners, etc.
·Almost three quarters (71%) of the group was female, of which 84% worked part-time.
Staff who left the HPSS
·4,287 staff left the HPSS in the year April 2005 – March 2006, representing just over 7% of the total.
·43% of those who left the service had been working in Administration and Clerical or Ancillary and General grades.
·The Ancillary and General group experienced the highest rate of leavers at 12% of the group’s workforce followed by the Medical and Dental group at 8%
Staff who joined the HPSS
·There were a total of 5,660 staff joined the HPSS between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2006.
·76% of joiners were female.
·1,537 people joined the Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting group representing 27% of the total joiners.
Staff who moved within the HPSS
·1,899 staff moved between HPSS organisations, at least once, between April 2005 and March 2006. 47% of those that moved were within the Medical and Dental grades (representing over 24% of the Medical and Dental workforce).
·66% of movers were female.
·81% of those that moved were aged under 40.
Trust Vacancy headcount figures at 31 March 2006
· The organisation with the largest number of Medical and Dental vacancies is the Down Lisburn HSSS Trust (15). This equates to a vacancy rate of 9% which is the largest Medical and Dental vacancy rate.
· The overall vacancy rate within the Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting workforce is 3%.
· The organisation with the largest Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting vacancy rate is the Mater Infirmorum Hospital HSS Trust with a rate of 14.
· The overall vacancy rate within the Social Services workforce is 4%.
· Social Services staff are predominately employed by Community Trusts. The Community Trust with the largest number of Social Services vacancies is North and West Belfast HSS Trust (55) with a vacancy rate of 6%.
· The organisation with the largest Administration and Clerical vacancy rate is the Mater Infirmorum Hospital HSS Trust with a vacancy rate of 7%.
· The overall vacancy rate within the Professional and Technical workforce is 5%.
· The organisation with the largest number of Professional and Technical vacancies is Belfast City Hospital HSS Trust (63) with a vacancy rate of 8%.
· The organisation with the largest Professional and Technical vacancy rate is the Mater Infirmorum Hospital HSS Trust with a vacancy rate of 13%.
· The organisation with the largest Ancillary and General vacancy rate is the Royal Group of Hospitals HSS Trust with a vacancy rate of 8%.