Care home job advertisements ‘encouraging’ criminals to apply

Convicted criminals have been encouraged to apply for jobs in care homes looking after frail, elderly people.

Dozens of advertisements for nurses, including specialist mental health nurses, openly invite people with convictions to apply.

Inquiries by The Daily Telegraph found one chain of care homes had 35 separate advertisements running last week, all pointing out that having a criminal record should not necessarily be a bar.

They reassured people with convictions that they would be treated “on an individual basis” and that their records would “not automatically prevent employment”.

The advertisements were for nursing posts with salaries at or close to the minimum wage in places including Oxford, Chelmsford, Maidenhead, Liverpool, Dorset and Cornwall as well as across Scotland and Wales.

Yet documents show that the same operator – European Care Group (ECG) based in the West Midlands – was criticised by inspectors form the care watchdog in the past for failing to check criminal agency records of staff in one of its homes.

Although there is no law banning care homes from employing people with convictions, they must carry out enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks and conduct a full risk assessment before considering them.

But elderly care charities said that including an explicit reassurance to people with convictions in job advertisements could amount to active “encouragement” to criminals to work in care.

“This seems to be an encouragement to people with records to come forward to this type of job,” said Gary Fitzgerald, chief executive of the charity Action on Elder Abuse.

“The question that must arise is ‘why do they feel the need to do this?’ Are they saying that they can’t get people who don’t have criminal records?”

It comes after disclosures that people with convictions for theft and violence have been working as agency carers, looking after people in their own homes.

Publicly available records show that some agencies working in lucrative contracts for local councils have been employing as carers, in some cases without police checks or risk assessments being carried out.

And last week the health watchdog, the Care Quality Commission published a report highlighting how counsellors had been working with vulnerable users of one medical group for up to a year without background checks being done.

Sheila Scott, chief executive of the National Care Association, which represents independent care home operators, expressed “surprise” at the wording of the adverts.

She said that many operators do attempt to reassure would-be employees that not all convictions would bar them from working as carers later on in the application process.

But doing so in an advertisement could give the impression of encouraging convicted criminals to apply, she warned.

“Personally I think – and as an organisation we think – that that should be at the application stage not at this first stage because it may give the wrong impression,” she said.

“I am really surprised, I’m not sure I can interpret why it is being done at that early stage – we may be talking about people who are so keen to attract staff for whatever reason that they want to give that reassurance early on.”

Last night ECG, which runs 62 sites in the UK, altered all of its job advertisements after being approached by The Daily Telegraph.

A spokesman said: “We now realise that this might be open to misinterpretation and will therefore not be including it in future advertisements.

“Our recruitment policy requires that if an applicant has even a minor conviction or caution, the application must be reviewed and approved by the HR Director or Chief Executive Officer before an offer of employment is made.

Mrs Scott warned that it let the whole industry down when examples came to light of homes failing to check employees’ criminal records.

“We waited so long to have these safeguards in place, they are so important to us, it should be a reassurance to the public that these checks have been done and increasingly people who are not suitable to work in social care are excluded through barring so I can’t understand why people don’t follow that through,” she said.

“It is a confidence issue for the general public – this is a safeguard that is in place and it is always disappointing when we know that people aren’t following it.”

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said: “There are strong protections in place to prevent people who we know are unsuitable from gaining employment in vital roles in social care, and agencies are responsible for ensuring they only employ people who are safe.

“Those who commit the most serious criminal offences will be barred from working with vulnerable groups.”