Provider launches care funding information website

Partnership has launched, in response to a lack of information regarding care funding and advice.

Chris Horlick, managing director of care at Partnership, warned that the lack of reliable and comprehensive information surrounding care funding was a serious barrier to people accessing the information they need to make sensible informed choices.

The long-term care provider said the new website provides information on all aspects of care funding from local authority assessments through to charity helplines.

Some 69 per cent turn to the internet for information on care for older people and in 2009, there were 29 million Google searches on paying for care and related search terms, according to Partnership.

In addition Partnership said that 79 per cent think that not enough is done to tell people about the care option available and 25 per cent had no idea who to contact for advice.

Only 11 per cent would contact their local authority for advice and information about care fees, with four per cent contacting a financial adviser and three per cent a care home.

Five per cent believe the social care system is easy to navigate but 76 per cent did not know about any of the funding products available to fund care.

Mr Horlick said: “For people seeking to make sense of how to fund long-term care, information about all aspects of long-term care and particularly where to get appropriate financial advice is critical.

“That is why we have worked in co-operation with many charities and expert advisers in the care sector to develop

“We believe this is a crucial step in addressing the care funding crisis by providing individuals with up-to-date and relevant information.

“We hope this will allow consumers to make informed choices concerning their care and provide access to professional advice for what can be one of the biggest decisions in an elderly person’s life.”