Money saving Social Work reform handed to Prime Minister
Social Workers have been saying for a long time that they want a profession that is properly resourced, supported, managed and respected and today they headed to 10 Downing Street and handed over a cost saving Social Work Bill.
The Bill contained a drastic series of legislative proposals to completely change the face of Social Work, diminish local authority dominance in the supervision of Social Workers AND save the public money ahead of the comprehensive spending review.
Chief Executive Hilton Dawson said “Instead of insisting on more money at a time of financial crisis, members of the British Association of Social Workers have created a Social Work Bill that saves the public purse and reforms Social Work.
“It is time the longstanding failure of local government in many parts of England to deliver effective support and supervision for Social Workers is recognised, the system isn’t working for the people who most need it to function effectively, so BASW has set out a vision to put it right.
“More vulnerable children and adults will die if Social Work, which is already stripped to the bone of resources, suffers more cuts and no reform. The government has to listen – we have a solution which saves the profession, saves lives and saves money.”