Elderly an easy target as reported abuse cases rise
THOUSANDS of suspected cases of abuse of elderly people are being reported to North councils. Latest figures show more than 5,690 alleged incidents were referred to local authority safeguarding adult boards . . . equivalent to around 15 a day.
Nationally, the alleged incidents exceed half a million when the figures for private and council residential care homes are combined.
A spokeswoman for Action on Elder Abuse said: “As with any type of abuse much of elder abuse thrives in secrecy.
“This is not helped by the fact that a great deal of older people live isolated lives making it easy for abusers to target their victims.
“Abusers play on the frailties of their victims.
“Older people should be able to live with dignity and be safe from abuse of any sort.
Safeguarding adult partnerships, run between council social service departments and primary care trusts, are responsible for making sure elderly people are not being abused either in their own homes or in residential care. Abuse includes sexual, physical, emotional and financial categories.
Typical of such incidents was that of 81-year-old dementia sufferer Wilma Taylor, of Benton, newcastle.
Her callous carer, Shirley Reid, 43, received a 12-week suspended jail term after she admitted stealing from the frail pensioner.
She was caught on CCTV on three occasions in one month, helping herself to £100 from Mrs Taylor’s bag.
County Durham recorded the highest level of referrals with more than 1,070 made between March 2009 and April this year.
Lesley Jeavons, Head of Adult Care at Durham County Council, said the council’s “zero tolerance” stance had resulted in increased awareness and reporting of safeguarding incidents.
North Tyneside saw 812 referrals and believes its high figure is also down to its robust stance on the issue.
In Northumberland there were 482 referrals in the financial year.
Jane Bowie, associate director for strategic commissioning and safeguarding said: “Relatives, carers, neighbours, health and social care professionals as well as friends of older people all have an important part to play in ensuring that the elderly are protected.
“Together we can make a difference and address elderly abuse in Northumberland.”
In Newcastle there were 442 cases referred in 2009-2010.
Cllr Liz Langfield, executive member for adult care and health, said: “Adult abuse of any kind is always wrong and the we take pride in co-ordinating efforts to investigate and stop it.
Sunderland had 321 referrals. Neil Revely, Director of Health, Housing and Adult Services, said: “This reflects partner agencies awareness of the procedures and the need to take action where abuse cannot be ruled out.”
In Middlesbrough there were 182 referrals, in Stockton 382, in Darlington 407 and in Gateshead 151.
Gateshead Council head of adult social care, Michael Laing, said: “Every single case of abuse is one too many, and our staff are working tirelessly to tackle abuse and improve the living standards of older people in the borough.”