Skills for Care and Jobcentre Plus join forces at social care employment conference
Skills for Care and Jobcentre Plus joined forces at a national conference designed to help more unemployed people find jobs in the adult social care sector.
Skills for Care estimates that by 2025 the adult social care sector in England will need up to 2.5 million workers which is an 80% increase on current numbers and Jobcentre Plus have made the sector a priority.
Delegates from all nine Skills for Care regions, Jobcentre Plus managers and frontline staff and a range of employers from across the sector discussed the best way to help new and long term unemployed people find suitable openings in the adult social care sector.
Skills for Care’s team of Care Ambassadors were on hand to talk to Jobcentre Plus staff about how to use their first hand experiences of working on the frontline to help Jobcentre Plus customers get a sense of whether their customers would be suitable for jobs in the social care industry.
“Skills for Care and Jobcentre Plus have been developing close links and this very successful conference was designed to build on that good working relationship,” says Skills for Care CEO Andrea Rowe.
“We wanted to be clear that the adult social care sector is not only a very important driving force in our economy but to make sure advisors were made aware of the huge range of job roles within the care industry that could be available to their customers.
“Our Care Ambassadors play a vital role in using their first hand experience of working in the sector to help recruit new workers at events across England and I think the Jobcentre Plus staff were very impressed with their positive message about the personal rewards working in our industry brings.”