End Of Life Care Training Aids Set Up By Skills For Care
Help is at hand for care workers and care managers looking to deliver the NHS End of Life Care programme in their care home.
Skills for Care has teamed up with Skills for Health to develop a set of common core principles that will improve the competency of health, social care and others who have a role in end of life care through training and education.
This autumn a draft set of principles will be published for consultation through www.endoflifestaffdevelopment.org.uk.
As well as consulting widely on the principles a number of pilot projects will be thoroughly testing the principles on the frontline. The pilot sites will be drawn from across health and social care settings with the explicit aim of using the learning from the sites to ensure that the principles and competencies reflect practice realities and improve education and training.
Claire Henry, National Programme Director for the National End of Life Care Programme, said: ‘This project is a great opportunity to promote the importance of end of life care across the social and healthcare community including all workers in the independent, voluntary and private sector workforce. This will allow us to build on examples of good practice and standards of care for all those who are affected by end of life issues. ‘
‘We will be developing this project in collaboration with a whole range of people currently working in this sector and our aim is to produce tools and support based on clear values and competences that can be used by every member of this workforce to improve the patient and carer experience.’