£400,000 Boost For Sheffield Care Groups

VOLUNTARY and community care organisations in South Yorkshire are set to benefit from a £17million pot of Government grants.

Grants of more than £400,000 have been given to 13 organisations in the county to support high quality health and social care.

Recipients include:

Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service which receives £36,000 for a ‘Health at Work’ project to bring together organisations to prevent job loss, social exclusion through unemployment and work-related ill health

Trent Palliative Care Centre in Sheffield which gets £30,000 to develop a website offering information and support to teenagers who have a parent with cancer

Speakup Self Advocacy, a Rotherham-based organisation dedicated to giving people with learning disabilities a voice and helping them lead more independent lives, which has been awarded £201,274

Age Concern Barnsley which gets £70,000 to set up and develop budgeting services to help people manage their social care

After Adoption Yorkshire which gets £85,000 to support a service for donor-conceived adults, donors and genetically related siblings to share information with each other.