Council’ £3.3m Social Services Cuts Warning
Proposed £3.3 million cuts to the social services budget could cost a council its “excellent” rating, a meeting was told. The adult social care service operated by Blackburn with Darwen Council has a three-star very good’ assessment, as part of annual quality checks by the Audit Commission.
But if any single department falls below the three-star banding then it would be impossible for the council to secure a four-star excellent’ assessment overall.
Coun David Foster, newly-installed executive member for adult social care, part of the new Conservative, Liberal Democrat and For Darwen ruling alliance, has issued the warning. He told a meeting of the borough’s health scrutiny committee this week that over the next few months the effects of budget cuts will begin to take hold.
Earlier this year the authority agreed to alter eligibility criteria for social services care packages, as part of efforts to save £3.3 million from the departmental budget.
People receiving council-provided care are now being reassessed by social services and may well be unhappy as they are asked to contribute more to their own assistance packages in future.
Coun Foster said: “Changes in eligibility criteria will have an impact on satisfaction (levels) so it may well be, when we see a report on adult social care later this year, that the number of complaints has increased.”
Another major impact on the social services department in 2007 will be the effects of pay readjustments, which are estimated to cost the borough council between £5 million and £6 million.
Staff will be finding out soon whether their pay packets are set to be increased or decreased as part of a pay and reward’ programme designed to eliminate wage inequalities between the sexes and workers carrying out similar duties.
The outcome of the review could have an impact on staff retention levels, and the effectiveness of the service generally, according to Coun Foster.
Health watchdogs have agreed to closely monitor the situation and called for an update report to be presented on the issue at their July meeting.