SCIE Announces Its New Strategic Vision

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has launched its new corporate plan outlining its objectives for the next three years. The plan demonstrates a shift in focus from establishing and developing a knowledge base to actively promoting changes to practice. Launching SCIE’s corporate plan 2006-09, Chair of SCIE, Allan Bowman, said: “SCIE’s corporate plan sets out the significant progress that SCIE continues to make. Since we began in 2001 we’ve worked closely with all our stakeholders and partners to develop a reliable centre of knowledge and trusted resources.

To ensure that this knowledge is effectively embedded into social care policy and procedure, we will now invest more time and resources to improve social care practice across all sectors.

“SCIE is in a unique position to deliver knowledge and good practice guidance to the whole social care sector and we are committed to improving outcomes for service users and carers. Our approach is collaborative, and we value the expertise of all those who use and work in social care services. Representatives from our stakeholder groups have worked with us to develop our corporate objectives and we will be continuing our partnership work to make these objectives a reality.”

Among other aims, the corporate plan identifies SCIE’s strengthened resolve to give seldom-heard people a voice, as well aiming to forge stronger links with providers in the independent sector. It also confirms SCIE’s increasingly important role in promoting positive transitions between children’s and adults’ services.

To view SCIE’s corporate plan visit