Health workers’ union calls for wage rise and free staff parking

A health workers’ union is calling for a wage rise and free staff parking as part of the next pay and conditions deal.

The GMB, which represents members working in the NHS and ambulance service, said there should be a flat rate pay increase of £1.50 an hour, which it calculated would mean a 13% rise for the lowest paid.

The union said its research showed that NHS trusts received £46 million from staff parking in 2022/23.

Measures on the retirement age of ambulance service workers and safe staffing levels are also included in the claim for 2024/25.

More than 13,000 GMB ambulance workers took part in strike action last year.

The union has refused to engage with the NHS Pay Review Body until it is reformed after questioning the body’s independence from the Government.

As a result, the pay claim will be delivered directly to the Department of Health and Social Care.

GMB national secretary Rachel Harrison (pictured) said: “GMB will not engage with the NHS Pay Review Body process until it has been significantly reformed – with NHS and ambulance workers confident it’s truly independent.

“After extensive consultation with members, GMB have today submitted a pay claim directly to Government and asked for pay negotiations.

“We now await the Secretary of State’s response.”

The GMB also wants an urgent review into the retirement age of ambulance service workers with a view to lowering the retirement age to 60, in line with other emergency service workers.

The claim is for NHS workers in England.

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