Feedback urged from Scots care leavers and LAC

In March 2015, the Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014 will make the future chances for looked after young people better in several ways.

Not only does this Act make sure that Corporate Parents support looked after young people in the best way possible, but it also ensures that young people can stay in their care placement (kinship, foster care or residential unit) up to the age of 21 (if they want) and that they can access throughcare/aftercare supports until they are 26.

Sometimes legislation, like this Act, can be confusing. For this reason it is important that the Scottish Government writes guidance for the professionals that will use the Act.

Who Cares? Scotland is looking to get information from as many looked after young people and care leavers in Scotland as possible so that the Government can write guidance which truly reflects the experiences and needs of young people. This is why your answers to this survey are so important.

You can also choose to stop the survey at any time. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and answers will be confidential and anonymous.

If you have any questions about the survey contact Carly Edgar at Who Cares? Scotland on 0141 226 4441 or [email protected].

To take the survey here: