One In Six Adults Classed As A ‘Problem Drinker’
More than eight million people in Britain are considered problem drinkers, according to figures released yesterday by the Department of Health.
The startling statistic – equivalent to one adult in six – comes as the Government makes its latest attempt to challenge booze culture.
People also do not know they are drinking too much.
According to figures from the Office of National Statistics and HM Revenue & Customs, people drink twice as much alcohol as they think they do.
An alcohol strategy, published yesterday by the Home Office and the Department of Health, will target supermarkets selling cheap beers and wine. Ministers blame low prices for a rise in drink-related illnesses and city centre disorder.
For the first time, they show a willingness to introduce laws to force the industry to act more responsibly, including mandatory drinks labelling.
Vernon Coaker, the Home Office minister, said that while a voluntary approach was preferred, banning advertising and happy hours was being considered.
The strategy will target under-18 binge drinkers but also older people who drink at home in the evenings.
An independent review team is to report by April on whether more drastic measures are needed.
The Department of Health statistics suggest that 8.2 million people drink to excess.
This is classified as regular drinking of at least eight units a day for men or six for women. A unit is half a pint of beer or a small glass of wine.
The report said 7.1 million people were “hazardous and harmful drinkers” and cost the NHS £1.3 billion a year.
‘Hazardous’ means people drinking above sensible levels but not experiencing harm.
‘Harmful’ means they are drinking above sensible levels and are experiencing symptoms of harm. The total bill from drink-related health, crime and disorder problems is estimated at £20 billion.
Caroline Flint, the public health minister, denied the Government was lecturing “middle-aged, middle-class drinkers”.
But she added: “There are people, adults, who on a very regular basis are probably drinking twice the amount that is recommended.”
When the Office for National Statistics asked people how much they drank, the average reply was 10.8 units a week – equivalent to 5.6 litres of alcohol a year. Yet data from HM Revenue and Customs suggest the average annual amount bought by each adult was 11.3 litres of pure alcohol.
The report said: “We can be reasonably certain that self-reported data… understates actual consumption and that people are drinking more than they think they are.”
The British Medical Association does not think the strategy goes far enough and has called for tighter restrictions on advertising and for warnings to be displayed in bars.
Mark Hastings, the spokesman for the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “We are disappointed the Government has chosen to develop this strategy without any effective consultation.”
David Davis, the shadow home secretary, said: ”This is an admission that the Government have failed on alcohol abuse.”