Alcohol multi-buy ban ‘has failed’
A ban on multi-buy drink promotions in Scotland has not cut the amount of alcohol bought by consumers, according to a study. The drink industry appears to have countered the
Read MoreA ban on multi-buy drink promotions in Scotland has not cut the amount of alcohol bought by consumers, according to a study. The drink industry appears to have countered the
Read MoreThis Command Paper is published in response to the Home Affairs Committee’s Second Report of Session 2013-14 entitled: ‘Child Sexual Exploitation and the response to localised grooming’: HC68-1 (incorporating HC182,
Read MoreHMI Probation Reports on Full Joint Inspections (FJI) and Short Quality Screenings (SQS) of youth offending work. These reports outline the findings of the recent SQS inspections carried out as
Read MoreThis page lists the reports for Brook House IRC from 2010 until present. Brook House is an immigration removal centre located near Gatwick airport and operated by G4S. Holding only
Read MoreEach year in England thousands of children and young people are raped or sexually abused. This includes children who have been abducted and trafficked, or beaten, threatened or bribed into
Read MoreThe Children (Scotland) Act 1995 gives children the right to have their views taken into account when their parents take a dispute over the child to court. This is consistent
Read MoreThere is much current interest in how impacts of research on the wider economy and society can be analysed and documented, despite many methodological and practical challenges. This briefing reports
Read MoreA range of policy initiatives have been introduced in Scotland with the aim of supporting families, increasing parenting capacity, and facilitating early intervention (for example, Early Years Framework; parenting programmes
Read MoreIn Scotland, couples are able to enter into a written agreement regulating the division of their property and any ongoing support for each other, or for their children, when they
Read MoreIRISS is pleased to announce that the final reports of the Practitioner Research: Older People (PROP) project have been published. The project is a partnership between the Centre for Research
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