New biological age blood test could offer early warning of dementia risk
A blood test for healthy ageing has been developed that could identify people who are growing old too fast and at risk of dementia. The genetic test is the first
Read MoreA blood test for healthy ageing has been developed that could identify people who are growing old too fast and at risk of dementia. The genetic test is the first
Read MoreThe newest and most innovative research around dementia currently being undertaken at Lancaster University will go on show next month. Lancaster University Centre for Ageing Research is staging the one-day,
Read MoreFears of an Alzheimer’s explosion are unfounded, according to new research showing that dementia rates may be stabilising in the UK and other parts of Europe. Scientists found that the
Read MoreCan art improve quality of life and well-being for people living with dementia? Might it even have wider social and community benefits? And if it does make a difference, how
Read MoreThis year has seen the publication of two reports highlighting the fact that dementia disproportionately affects women. (Alzheimer’s Disease International and Women and Dementia: a marginalised majority) Behind these important
Read MoreThe last few years in the UK have been marked by a surge in interest in dementia from politicians. It dates from the dawning realisation that dementia costs more than
Read MoreStatins, anti-inflammatory drugs, alcoholic drinks and coffee have all been linked to a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s, scientists have said. But diabetes, depression and high blood pressure can increase
Read MoreTwo care home owners and a care assistant have been convicted of ill-treating a 99-year-old dementia sufferer who was immersed in a scalding hot bath. A jury at Preston Crown
Read MoreA near-complete human brain comparable with that of a five-week-old foetus has been grown in a laboratory dish. The brain “organoid” was created from reprogrammed skin cells and is about
Read MoreFour students from the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow have developed an App desgned to support people living with dementia, their families and carers. The MindMate App has a number
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