Webwatch – The Hub
The Care Inspectorate, the independent scrutiny and improvement body for care services in Scotland, has launched The Hub, a website that provides access to resources aimed at supporting improvement in social services and social care through the use and sharing of intelligence and research-led practice. A fully accessible website, the content is provided in three categories: knowledge, innovation and improvement.
The ‘knowledge’ section provides a library of resources including reports, the latest policy and legislation, and good practice guides, as well as news related to social services. The ‘innovation’ section contains video case studies which showcase innovation in services across Scotland. These include case studies on subjects such as encouraging early years participation, creating meaningful activity in care homes, supporting homeless people to get back on their feet and continuity of care for young people. The ‘improvement’ section provides access to Centres for Excellence training courses that support continuous improvement in the delivery of care services.
The courses centre around looked after young people, youth and criminal justice, dementia, learning disability, and drugs and alcohol. This section also includes toolkits produced by the Care Inspectorate and other partner organisations.
The Care Inspectorate works to ensure that people receive high quality care and that services promote and protect their rights. If you have received excellent care or have an innovative practice to share, you can submit your story to The Hub. The resource supports a number of the Care Inspectorate’s purposes, including: acting as a catalyst for change and innovation; and supporting improvement and signposting good practice.
The Hub demonstrates excellent use of Creative Commons licensed material. Many IRISS resources feature, including the social services news, learning materials and the Learning Exchange, IRISS’s digital library of social services related publications.
Visit The Hub: http://www.hub.careinspectorate.com/