Report: Young carers and their families: Confident assessment practice (Practice Tool)
The Care Act 2014 and Children and Families Act 2014 (section 96) place new requirements on children’s and adult social care to identify young carers and assess their needs.
Set within the context of these two Acts, and with a focus on whole family approaches to working with young carers and their families, this Practice Tool aims to equip people working in children’s and adult services with skills and confidence to work with young carers and their families. This is not an assessment tool, but a tool to support practitioners to develop the skills needed to build relationships with young carers and their families.
Aimed at:
- frontline practitioners in children’s and adult social care who work with young carers and their families
- workforce development teams delivering training to those working with young carers
- health and education professionals working with young carers, including those in Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).