Report: 10,000 Voices Care in Your Own Home Regional Report (Northern Ireland)
This report presents the analysis of the information which has been received during Phase 2 of 10,000 Voices (February 2014 –September 2015) from patients/clients/carers and family members who receive care in their own homes.
Engagement to collect stories from clients and their families who receive care at home took place across a broad range of areas and settings. A total of 1399 stories have been received to date and the facility for collecting stories remains live.
Sixty percent of the stories were submitted by the person who received the care, with the remaining being completed on behalf of the person receiving the care, by carers or by a family member.
The majority of respondents were older people with 72% over 70 years of age and the largest age group of clients receiving care at home was the over 80 age group.
Most of the care was delivered by domiciliary care workers, including home helps, home care staff and health care assistants, however there was also a range of other professional groups and staff involved in care delivery…