New Book: ‘Mental Health Today…And Tomorrow’

Mental Health Today… And Tomorrow is a forward-thinking, multi-author handbook that marks a turning point in UK mental health theory, policy and practice and explores a wide range of current and future trends in mental health care, looking at the whole lifespan from approaches to children and young people and well-being within school settings to mental health in later life and ageing.

David Crepaz-Keay who edited the book said: “It explores the current trend to focus on wellbeing but points out that understanding of the concept is not consistent and that there is some overlap around public mental health and preventing mental ill-health. 

“When public mental health is talked about now, its scope encompasses prevention of mental ill-health through to the provision of services for those already mentally ill. For most debate around this issue in fact these ‘mental health services’ have traditionally meant mental illness services. The authors call for clarity around the use of ‘mental health’ saying that it should mean mental health!”

The contributors argue that the current model of mental health service provision is unsustainable and that the only way of improving mental health for all is an investment in prevention, services for children and a focus on building resilience. This means that schools, workplaces and other everyday settings should be places for support, with an emphasis on well-being as well as resilience. In a clear break with the past the authors, who include service users and carers, emphasise that the history focus on diagnosis and disease is no longer helpful, but that a human rights-based approach and a focus on sustainable community solutions is more desirable.

Finally there is a consideration of the impact of technology on mental health, asking how we can best harness digital technologies to make care and support for people experiencing mental health problems as effective as possible.

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