Report: Carers Trust analysis of Local Better Care Fund Plans
There was a requirement that Better Care Fund plans outlined the support that would be made available to carers, reflecting the inclusion in the fund of £130m for carers breaks in 2015/16.
Carers Trust found that the funding set aside by the boards for carer support, varied greatly depending on where they lived, with nominal spending ranging from just £5.40 per carer to £66.33. Some local plans did not provide specific examples of how they would support carers, despite being allocated the money to do so.
Carers Trust said many of the boards did not describe what plans they had in place to support carers and recognise the vital role they play when patients are discharged and how they can prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, provided they are given the support they need.
Carers Trust is calling on the government to make further funding commitments to carers once the £130m funding ends in March 2016.
Download the report: Better Care for Carers? An Analysis of Local Better Care Fund Plans.