Consultation: Independent review of childcare workforce (Scotland)
An independent review and consultation of early learning and childcare, and out of school care is running until 30 September 2014 and views of individuals and organisations with an interest in this area are being sought.
Professor Iram Siraj is chair of an independent review commissioned by the Scottish Government on Early Learning and Childcare Workforce and Out of school Care Workforce from March 2014 to April 2015.
Professor Siraj will engage with a wide range of stakeholders from across Scotland to gather views, perspectives and data for the review. In addition to these consultations, evidence will be gathered from a core reference group of experts, from focus groups, interviews and visits to early learning and childcare and out of schools care provision across the Country.
An in depth literature review on best training and qualifications to achieve quality early learning and childcare and out of school care together with analyses of relevant documents and reports will inform the Review.
Professor Siraj is calling for individuals and organisations with an interest in the key themes of the Review to submit consultation responses — this will run until 30 September 2014.