Report: Literacy and numeracy skills among homeless people
A report examined literacy and numeracy skills among homeless people in England.
An assessment of 139 people and 30 in-depth interviews with clients of a homelessness service found that: half did not have the basic English skills needed for everyday life; 55 per cent lacked basic maths skills; many participants had a poor experience of school, often connected to unstable or traumatic childhoods; and clients who lacked basic English and maths skills made less progress in addressing physical and mental health issues.
The report said the funding arrangements in further education (based on attendance and achievement of qualifications) meant that they were unable to provide services that were appropriate for this group of learners, who experienced a number of barriers to mainstream services.
The report made recommendations, including for a long-term commitment to funding appropriately designed English and maths programmes, for better co-ordination of community learning services with supported accommodation, and for the expansion of a pilot pre-employment support programme.