Child Development, 79, 5

* Direct and Indirect Aggression During Childhood and Adolescence: A Meta-Analytic Review of Gender Differences, Intercorrelations, and Relations to Maladjustment * Development of Three-Dimensional Object Completion in Infancy * Young Children’s Recognition of the Intentionality of Teaching * Changes in the Relation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Behaviors Across Development * Categories Influence Predictions About Individual Consistency * Stability and Change of Moral Disengagement and Its Impact on Aggression and Violence in Late Adolescence * Arguing on the Computer: A Microgenetic Study of Developing Argument Skills in a Computer-Supported Environment * The Influence of Race and Gender on Children’s Conversations and Playmate Choices * Where Is the Essence? Developmental Shifts in Children’s Beliefs About Internal Features * Profiles of Disruptive Behavior Across Early Childhood: Contributions of Frustration Reactivity, Physiological Regulation, and Maternal Behavior * Gene–Environment Contributions to the Development of Infant Vagal Reactivity: The Interaction of Dopamine and Maternal Sensitivity * The Family Check-Up With High-Risk Indigent Families: Preventing Problem Behavior by Increasing Parents’ Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood * Maternal Socialization of Positive Affect: The Impact of Invalidation on Adolescent Emotion Regulation and Depressive Symptomatology * Infants’ Use of Lexical-Category-to-Meaning Links in Object Individuation * Development of Emotional and Behavioral Regulation in Children Born Extremely Preterm and Very Preterm: Biological and Social Influences * Neighborhood Poverty and Early Transition to Sexual Activity in Young Adolescents: A Developmental Ecological Approach * Searching and Planning: Young Children’s Reasoning About Past and Future Event Sequences * Effects of Family Violence on Psychopathology Symptoms in Children Previously Exposed to Maltreatment * Limitations in 4-Year-Old Children’s Sensitivity to the Spacing Among Facial Features * Limitations to Teaching Children 2 + 2 = 4: Typical Arithmetic Problems Can Hinder Learning of Mathematical Equivalence * Perception of Dynamic and Static Audiovisual Sequences in 3- and 4-Month-Old Infants * Longitudinal Analysis of Intrinsic Motivation and Competence Beliefs: Is There a Relation Over Time? * Children’s Insecure Representations of the Interparental Relationship and Their School Adjustment: The Mediating Role of Attention Difficulties * Developmental Trajectories of Sex-Typed Behavior in Boys and Girls: A Longitudinal General Population Study of Children Aged 2.5–8 Years