Learning Point 48: Tackling Inequalities: Social Policy Frameworks
This SCR learning point was developed from an event held in Fife in June 2009. Hosted by Fife Community Planning Partnership and chaired by Councillor Fiona Grant, it brought together people who involved in tackling inequality from across Scotland. The event was supported by the Community Regeneration and Tackling Poverty Learning Network.
What are learning points?
Learning points share what people have learned from their experience in regeneration – from people working or talking together, or from research into issues and evaluation of what is happening. Learning points can help people and organisations to improve their practice through identifying what works and what doesn’t.
The views described in learning points do not mean that the Scottish Centre for Regeneration or the Scottish Government necessarily support them. They simply reflect what has been debated and what those involved in the event considered useful learning and lessons from their perspectives.