European Psychiatry, 23, 3
* Specialist training in psychiatry in Europe – Results of the UEMS-survey * Awareness of metabolic concerns in patients with bipolar disorder: A survey of European psychiatrists * Change in pain severity with open label venlafaxine use in patients with a depressive symptomatology: An observational study in primary care * Obsessive–compulsive disorder: Influence of age at onset on comorbidity patterns * Panic disorder with nocturnal panic attacks: Symptoms and comorbidities * Cortisol response to interpersonal stress in young adults with borderline personality disorder: A pilot study * Childhood family structure and personality disorders in adulthood * The relationship between online game addiction and aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits * Evidence that the COMTVal158Met polymorphism moderates subclinical psychotic and affective symptoms in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia