Child Abuse & Neglect, 32, 3

* Healthy Families New York (HFNY) randomized trial: Effects on early child abuse and neglect * The effect of Alaska’s home visitation program for high-risk families on trends in abuse and neglect * Assessing the cost-effectiveness of Family Connections * Psychosocial and behavioral factors related to the post-partum placements of infants born to cocaine-using women * Are increased worker caseloads in state child protective service agencies a potential explanation for the decline in child sexual abuse?: A multilevel analysis * Caseworker assessments of risk for recurrent maltreatment: Association with case-specific risk factors and re-reports * The Canadian child welfare system response to exposure to domestic violence investigations * Assessment of factors resulting in abuse evaluations in young children with minor head trauma * Comparative study of the cognitive sequelae of school-aged victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome * Childhood physical and sexual abuse: Prevalence and correlates among adolescents living in rural Taiwan