Child & Family Social Work,13, 2
* The Victoria Climbié case: social work education for practice in children and families’ work before and since * Creative connections: parenting capacity, reading with children and practitioner assessment and intervention * Into adulthood: a follow-up study of 718 young people who were placed in out-of-home care during their teens * Reconstructing child welfare through participatory and child-centred professional practice: a conceptual approach * Developing social work students’ communication skills with children and young people: a model for the qualifying level curriculum * The Common Assessment Framework: does the reality match the rhetoric? * Mental health and educational difficulties in children in contact with Children’s Social Services * Contact person as a court-ordered solution in child visitation disputes in Sweden * Young people leaving care: health, well-being and outcomes * Achieving permanency for youth in foster care: assessing and strengthening emotional security * Balancing parents’ and very young children’s rights in care proceedings: decision-making in the context of the Human Rights Act 1998