Annual review of trends in qualifying social work training in Scotland 2007/08
The annual monitoring return provides the SSSC with information to establish whether the course continues to be delivered in line with the Framework for Social Work Education in Scotland, which includes the Standards in Social Work Education and the Scottish
Requirements for Social Work Training, and the Rules for Social Work Training.
It is against this framework and these Rules that social work degree courses are approved by the SSSC. The information from the annual monitoring return can also be used to identify trends, common issues, and examples of successful innovation.
This report provides a profile of:
• who is applying for, and being admitted to, social work training
• the types of course being delivered and admissions onto these
• where practice learning opportunities are being undertaken
• how much funding is being spent on bursaries for postgraduate
• how much funding is being spent providing practice learning
opportunities for students
• information relating to student progression
• a baseline for establishing trends.