Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34, 10
The Effects of Prenatal Problems, Family Functioning, and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Predicting Life-Course-Persistent Offending Explaining Police Bias: A Theory of Social Conditioning and Illusory Correlation Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol—II (J-Soap-II) in a Sample of Urban Minority Youth Psychiatric Symptoms and Substance Use Among Juvenile Offenders: A Latent Profile Investigation A Structural Examination of the Predictors of Sexual Coercion Against Children in Adolescent Sexual Offenders The Effect of Arrest On Wife Assault Recidivism: Controlling for Pre-Arrest Risk Self-Control as an Executive Function: Reformulating Gottfredson and Hirschi’s Parental Socialization Thesis Risk of Suicide in Juvenile Justice Facilities: The Problem of Rate Calculations in High-Turnover Populations